Why is psychological safety critical to managing software risk?
Is traditional risk management enough?
Traditional risk management approaches to software development help with compliance and meeting regulations.
Such practices can also help you look out for technical and business risks.
Yet such risk management strategies don’t account for how to deal with the unexpected.
And your QMS won’t help you if your product or software team spots something odd, but they feel disempowered to say anything.
The tool many organisations are missing from their software development and product teams’ toolboxes:
Psychological safety.
It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the concept or need a refresher; in our new ebook, you’ll learn about:
- What is psychological safety?
- The four stages vital to building psychological safety within teams.
- How psychological safety diminishes project risk.
- Project management practices that work well in organisations with psychological safety.
- How two businesses squandered psychological safety and paid the price for it.